December 31, 2006

Snow, Snow, Snow!

We were snowed in for two days...we felt like we were living in Narnia! We are headed back home to North Carolina tomorrow...what a fun and relaxing vacation. Happy New Year!

December 29, 2006

Christmas in Santa Fe

Christmas in Santa Fe

Casa Watson is having a wonderful time in Santa Fe. We are staying with our dear friends David & Judy in their gorgeous vacation home. We woke up this morning to snow, snow, snow!! The Rhodes family came down from Colorado and Madison and Ben got to meet for the first time. Fun!

December 20, 2006

Two Much Fun

Ben has survived his first two months (well two and half by the time Leah got her act together to post these pictures...) and has done an excellent job in training Mommy & Daddy. He has slept through the night FOUR nights in a row...we will see how long that lasts. His new friend is his lion Aslan (thank you Aunt Ann!) whose mane went straight into Ben's mouth. Have a great Christmas weekend.

December 7, 2006

Christmastime is Here

We are having too much fun celebrating our first Christmas with Ben...he loves the lights on the Christmas tree, Mark loves dancing around with him to his childhood favorite "Heat Miser" (from the claymation classic "A Year Without Santa Claus") and Leah loves cuddling with her boy listening to classic carols and dreaming of all the holidays to come.

We keep all our friends and family in our hearts. Hope you are enjoying the season and finding moments to reflect on the miracle of Jesus and His unconditional love.

December 2, 2006

Surfer Boy

Here's Ben relaxing on his "surfboard." He's prepping for his first trip to the Pacific. We are hoping our dorky genes will mesh to make one cool kid...

November 22, 2006


We have so much to be thankful for...with the holiday season upon us we find ourselves homesick for our family, friends and California- our traditional Thanksgiving walk on the beach, palm trees with Christmas lights, Peet's Coffee and grocery shopping at Trader Joe's...

We also find ourselves in awe of the blessings of our new home and community here in Newton- watching the Fall colors on our tree lined street, neighbors stopping by for tea or to bring a pot of homemade vegetable soup on a rainy day and a church community that has embraced us as family (let's just say Ben is one popular kid on Sunday mornings!).

Sending you wishes of love and contentment from Casa Watson. Happy Thanksgiving.

November 13, 2006

First Month Musings

"Our Boy" (as he is reffered to at Casa Watson) had his one month birthday this past week. We can’t imagine our life without him. Ben grows cuter everyday and we love watching each new discovery, expression and wiggle. He met his Grandma Claudia and Grandma and Grandpa Watson this past week and enjoyed all the cuddles.

We have learned so much this past month…we found out that when Ben is having a fussy attack the only thing that will calm him is the sound of our rather loud vacuum. Mark recorded the sound, put small speakers in his bassinet and now we all get lulled to sleep by the vacuum’s roar which then segues into the ever soothing rainforest and waterfall soundtrack. Hard to believe Leah used to need silence to sleep!

Fall has arrived in Newton and we are enjoying the gorgeous colors, the crackle of leaves underfoot and the crisp fresh air. We love taking Ben out for walks and watching him enjoy the cool air on his cheeks. Our hearts are filled with grateful joy.

November 9, 2006

And Baby Makes Three...

Welcome to Casa Watson...we just wanted to share a little glimpse of our new adventures in North Carolina and of course, share our new baby joy...and pictures.

Benjamin Mark Watson (aka "Beemer") joined us on October 8th, 2006 and has turned our life and hearts upside down. Who knew you could be so exhausted and sleep deprived and also sublimely happy at the same time?

Thanks for visiting our little corner of the world. We are truly blessed by all the love and care we have received these past months as we welcomed this amazing boy into the world...Ben is one lucky kid.