April 29, 2009


On Sunday we took a trip to Hunsucker Park (Ben loves saying "Hunsucker"), a little hidden away neighborhood park that is never crowded. We are enjoying all the simple moments together these days. We have so much to smile about, so much to be grateful for, especially our little Hunsuckers.

April + Judy= Fun

Without a master plan, it has just worked out for Judy to come out to visit every April since we have been in Newton. Judy is one half of "David & Judy," our best friends from Santa Barbara that have become adopted family to all of us over the years. We had a great time celebrating another round of Spring Bunny festivities and getting out for a night on the town. Judy was also a huge help in running around and getting things organized for Leah's upcoming time away. Judy is the only person Leah knows that is just as detail oriented and list loving as herself. Thanks "JuJu"- we love you.

April 13, 2009


Easter day was beautiful in so many ways...the sun was shining in the bright Carolina blue sky, the trees and flowers were in bloom, the music at church majestic, the message thought provoking and touching (good job, Dr. Watson) and the kids too precious for words. Our hearts were full and also heavy, filled with joy and thankfulness for the abundance of our blessings, but also remembering those we love, struggling through a difficult season of mourning.

There were lilies in the sanctuary in honor of Leah's grandfather, Charles (Maka Charlie) and our niece, Grace. We hold onto the Easter promise for both souls- that this is only the beginning, that somehow, beyond all our imaginations and longings we will be together again. So this year, even if we can only say it in a whisper, we will proclaim- Christ is risen, alleluia.

April 11, 2009

Spring Bunny

We had our first round of "Spring Bunny" celebrations out at Miss Jeannie's today with our friends the Cannons. Carrying on a Watson family tradition, on Easter Sunday we focus solely on celebrating Christ's resurrection and the promise that brings. Spring Bunny day is about egg hunts, candy and well...candy. It was a gorgeous day and we took full advantage of the sunshine. Ben and Clara fed the horses, we had an egg hunt, a picnic by the pond and the boys took a ride in the paddle boat. Our time in North Carolina is bringing out a little bit of "country" in us and we are loving some down home southern fun. Next week we get to have Round 2 of Spring Bunny Day when Judy visits from Santa Barbara...let the sugar rush continue!

Palm Sunday

This was Ben's first year being a part of the Palm Sunday Processional at church. He spent the morning shouting, "Posanna!" but by the afternoon he had gotten his Hosanna down and also knew that it means save us. This week we have been teaching him, "Christ has risen! He has risen, indeed!" for Easter Sunday. The last picture is of one of our blossoming dogwood trees in the front yard.

April 10, 2009

One Year

Clara was a trooper for her one year well check visit. She came in at 29 1/2" and 21pounds (50-75% for height and 25-50% for weight). She is currently not interested in walking, but Dr. Michael assured us it is all okay, she is just working on different things right now.

Her vocabulary is expanding all the time, she recently added "thank you" and "hi there" and our favorite, "naked." We always call bath time "Naked Time" and have a silly song we sing, I guess she likes it! Ben is great at communicating with her and loves his role of BIG brother.

Comparing these shots of her first week and one year later, we are once again amazed to see how our little scrawny newborn has transformed into our sweet chubby cheeked baby girl.

April 5, 2009

Party Girl!

Saturday we had a little party in honor of Miss Clara. It included friends, cupcakes, balloons and lots of pink. Ben loved all the festivities and frosting-he is one of the kids that just wants to eat the frosting...off multiple cupcakes. Clara loved all the attention and fun, she would spontaneously begin clapping from the excitement of it all. Mark created his traditional video with all the highlights from the year, it helped to make all of our dear family and friends not seem so far away. Clara continues to delight, amaze and inspire us, she makes our family feel complete. Happy Birthday Baby Girl.

Twelve Months

We had a wonderful family day on April 1st, being together, being thankful. Happy Birthday Clara Elizabeth Grace. We love you, always.