June 22, 2009

Dr. Daddy

Father's Day was filled with celebration and fun appropriate for the man who works so hard to make our dreams come true. Sunday morning at church Mark received a surprise from the congregation, a gorgeous new doctoral robe (and his academic hood from Mom and Dad Watson) to celebrate his Doctorate of Ministry from San Francisco Theological Seminary. Along with the robe came a standing ovation and cake, so we were all pretty happy and proud.

After Mark and the kids took a two hour post church nap (and Leah read an InStyle mag from cover to cover-bliss!), we took Daddy out for ice cream, came home for presents and balloons...you really can't celebrate anything around here without balloons, then after the kids were tucked in, Mark and Leah enjoyed steaks, a yummy pinot noir and a movie date snuggled up on the sofa. It was a great day for a great man.

Favorite quotes of the day (from Beemer, of course):
"No, no Dr. Watson! He's Dr. Daddy!"
"Mommy, you aren't my friend. You're just my mommy."

Just Maria

Maria, Ben and Fat Duck...he means business

Family shot at swim lessons

The brightest highlight of last week was a visit from one of Leah's best friends from Saratoga, Maria. A true friend, she went straight from the airport to cheering on the kids at swimming lessons. The girls had a wonderful time of non-stop chatting and laughing that is the special concoction of kindred spirits. Ben at one point politely came up to Leah and whispered, "Mommy, be quiet." Ben and Clara were a little skeptical when "Auntie Maria" first arrived, they both seemed to worry that another "Aunt" was here to take care of them and mommy was leaving again...thus Maria changed from "Auntie Maria" to "Just Maria" and the name stuck. Another name that stuck, Ben's new duck puppet is fondly called "Fat Duck." We already are looking forward to seeing Just Maria again.

June 11, 2009

Thomas! at Tweetsie

We had a great family day up in the mountains at Tweetsie Railroad Park (thanks for the tickets G'ma Zipper!) where Thomas the Tank was making a special appearance for the week. The kids enjoyed it all, even the hour downpour that hit mid-morning. The train ride, "on Thomas!" was a huge hit, which included a politically incorrect "cowboy and indian" showdown in the middle of the gorgeous Blue Ridge mountains. It was a glimmer of all the fun and family time to come as the kids get older and a chance to cherish this time of pure wonder and delight.

June 10, 2009

It Begins...

Sibling rivalry has descended onto Casa Watson and it's weapon of choice- the Winnie the Pooh Car. This vehicle has been around for awhile (see the first picture of cute little Ben) and for the most part neglected by both parties. Then, Clara learns how to hoist herself on and off the car and it all begins. Big brother, little sister, whining, crying, triumph, loss and the naughty chair...all to the anthem of Pooh Bear. Mommy and Daddy are going to need something stronger than Pooh's honey pot to stay sane. Hmm...is there a honey-mint mojito?


Almost every week we take a walk to the local library. Ben makes us look like great parents, he tells the librarian, "I like the library and the Science Center. I don't like Chuck E. Cheese and cows." This week was the first time Clara picked out a book all by herself, she was so proud of her Blue's Clues book, she clutched it in her chubby little hands all the way home.

June 5, 2009

Home, Oh, Sweet Home

We are all back together and home. We have come out of this time a little stronger, a little wiser and so very grateful for each other. A special thank you to Kaitlin, Sally, Debi and Cully for your patient arms of love. Thank you to everyone for your love, care and encouragement.

Yes, Clara did have her first swim lesson and loved the water.

Aunt Kaitlin and Clara

Aunt Cully and Ben
