December 30, 2008

Merry Memories

We had a fun Christmas with our friends David and Judy here to celebrate with us. Ben wanted balloons for Christmas, so mom was up early Christmas morning to make sure his wish came true. He walked out of his room and stood in awe of his balloon bounty. Ben looked up at Leah and asked, "Mommy can Baby Clara have a balloon? A pink one?" That moment was the best present we received.

December 20, 2008

Christmas Cuties

Clara at Ben's Preschool Christmas Play.
Note: Never give hand bells to forty kids under four.

Ready for cold day cuddles.

Celebrating her first tooth. Yeah Clara!

Notice his button with "Santa Clara." Ben's constant accessory these days.

Clara's first big kid bath with Ben.


Advent is a special tradition at Casa Watson. It's wonderful to begin to share the meaning of this special season with the kids. We read scripture, said a prayer and sang carols. Clara tried to eat the advent wreath and Ben was excited about the matches and candle flames. O, holy night indeed.

December 9, 2008

Merry Little Christmas

Christmas time has arrived at Casa Watson.

This is the first year that Ben is really "getting it" and he is full of holiday spirit. Anytime he sees a Christmas tree he stops and has to sing "O, Christmas Tree." He loves opening a door each morning on our advent calendar. We read Merry Christmas, Curious George at least three times a day.

Ben knows that Santa Claus is coming to town and that it is baby Jesus' really makes you realize how convoluted Christmas and all of its traditions are when you try to explain it to a two year old.

Clara loves the hustle and bustle around the house. She gazes at the tree in delight. She thinks the envelopes from Christmas cards are fun to play with... and eat. Clara is now performing a backwards belly crawl and has had to be plucked out from under the tree a few times.

We took the kids to see Santa and had our first "Festivus Miracle" tears! The holiday season can be a lot of work, but it easy to see why we do it every year. The wonder and thrill in a child's eyes make all the decorating, baking and such worth it.

We are full of cookies, love and Christmas cheer. Merry, merry indeed.

December 4, 2008

Eight Months

Ben's List for Santa:

1. Candy
2. Balloons
3. Another Baby Sister

Ben tells this list to all who ask him what he wants for Christmas. We can assure you that wish #3 will not be waiting for Ben under the tree. However, his wish shows you how much fun Ben is having with Clara around...we are too.