June 23, 2008


We had a handful of reasons to celebrate this week.

First, Leah's pathology report for her second thyroid surgery came back clear, so it looks like we can say adios to cancer and get back to a world that doesn't include surgeons, marathon doctor appointments and too many bruises from needles and IV's- yippee! The one glitch was the doctor extending the "no lifting over ten pounds" rule for another month...not so easy for a mom with a 26 pound toddler and an eleven pound baby. All of us are looking forward to getting back to a routine and having Leah feel better.

Our second celebration is that Ben and Clara had some great bonding time this week. Ben made Clara smile and smile and Ben, being the ham that he is, was thrilled to have an audience. He is loving his little sister more each day. The big green jealousy monster definitely is still a guest at our house, but he hides under the bed more often than not.

And the third celebration was our church held it's 150th anniversary services yesterday. It was a wonderful service filled with music, memories, thankfulness and joy. Clara displayed her Scottish genes- she fell asleep in Leah's arms to the (really loud) bagpipes. Ben loved the horse and carriage rides and was chanting "horsey" until bedtime.

It is great to celebrate the big things but the little moments of joy often bring the best memories.

June 14, 2008


There is a constant refrain of "Daddy" from Ben these days. Lucky boy Ben his Daddy lives up to the name. Thank you Mark for all the ways you love and serve your family, from late night feedings with Clara, to choo-choo playing and sprinkler splashing with Ben, to making dinner (and doing the dishes!) for Leah, every day you bless us. The past six months have laid a lot on your shoulders and you have remained full of strength, fun and love. Your grateful wife, busy son and sweet little girl say with glee- Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!

June 7, 2008

Two Months

We are loving our sweet, thoughtful girl and our fun, spunky boy.