January 20, 2009

Conversations with Ben

This morning:
Leah: "It's Inauguration Day for President Obama. It's like a party."
Ben: "Ben go to party! Ben have President Obama cake!"

A couple days ago:
Leah: "You're mommy's baby boy."
Ben: "I'm not a baby, mommy. I am your man!"
Leah: "If you're my man, then what is daddy?"
Ben: "Mark."

At dinner:
Mark: "Is daddy an old man now?"
Ben: "No, daddy no old man."
Leah: "Who is an old man?"
Ben: After some thought, "Jesus."

January 13, 2009

The Clara Show

Ben will have to take a back seat this entry, because Clara is moving and grooving. It is utterly amazing to watch her grow and change each day.

The fun started last week with her nine month check-up with our beloved Dr. Michael. She is right on track at 19.2 lbs. and 28" inches and seems to be growing bigger by the day. As for doctor visits, try this math equation: 1 child (Ben) = 2 parents at each well check visit. 2 children (Ben & Clara) = 1 parent at each well check visit.

Clara had a week of firsts. She is now crawling. This is very exciting news, as many of you remember Ben never crawled, he just scooted around on his bottom. Clara also started clapping. Whenever we sing songs or play music she claps with glee. Our baby girl said her first word, "Mama." That mama would be her first word is a surprise, Clara adores Mark and has to be in his arms anytime he is in the room and Ben is easily her most favorite person in the world. At the end of the day, the womb must count for something.
Clara Elizabeth Grace, we are proud of you!

January 10, 2009

Our Man

Mark celebrated his 41st birthday this week. We made sure he felt like a king with breakfast in bed, burger, fries and a milkshake for lunch, a movie date with Ben and a fun, little party in his honor. Almost everyone who came brought him a bottle (or six!) of red wine...they know their pastor and friend well.
Leah wrote the following toast for Mark:

"Marge Simpson said it best, "Our differences are only skin deep, but our sames go down to the bone." What a year! I could not let your birthday pass without telling you how much you mean to me and the kids.

Your servants heart blessed us all this year, from long days at Duke, late night feedings with Clara, to creative playtime with Ben. You took out the trash, changed diapers, made dinner, made me rest. You read bedtime stories, said prayers and brushed teeth. You held my hand, you held our little girl, you held my heart in greatest joy and deepest sorrow.

Thank you for being the strength of this family. Down to the bone we love and adore you. Here's to a great year. Happy Birthday!"
Thanks for being our husband, our daddy, our friend, our man.

January 4, 2009

Nine Months

New year's day marked nine months of fun with Clara. Our little girl officially has two teeth (bottom) with two more working on making their grand appearance (top). She is on the verge of crawling, rolling and tummy scooting to get around. Ben is having fun showing Clara how to play with her Christmas toys and named her doll Baby Sister, so I guess Santa did bring him another baby sister after all...

We started 2009 with some very special people, Phil and Kaitlin, who traveled all the way from Idaho to meet Ben and Clara. It was a week filled with many emotions, all of us felt the absence of baby Grace, but it was also a week filled with love and play. Clara basked in the attention from Aunt Kaitlin, it was the start of an incredible bond they will always share. Together, we began this new year with hope and excitement for a season of sunshine after so much rain.

Shine, shine away.