June 30, 2010

Watson Weekend


We just returned from an extended weekend with the Watson Clan in Ohio.  Our gathering was centered on the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Jack and Mary and the welcoming of baby Mara to the family.  All the “Watson Boys” were there and Aunt Ann traveled out too, meeting Ben and Clara for the first time.   It started with a ten-hour trek to Columbus in the party van and then was a non-stop time of celebration, recalling memories of the past and making new ones to cherish until we can all be together again.

Highlights for us included:

Meeting and marveling over our six-week old niece, Mara Karinn.  It was incredible to have quiet mornings on the porch with Mara in our arms listening to the birdsong and watching the sunrise.  Ben and Clara showered her with kisses and we all said deep prayers of thanks and joy for this new season of beauty and hope for Phil and Kaitlin.  Oh, and she is one gorgeous, sweet, delicious baby.

Mark preaching at Bethel Presbyterian, the church where Jack served for over thirty years, many in the congregation had known Mark since he was a toddler.  To sit in the pew, packed with Watsons, with Clara in his lap and Ben by his side was a blessed, rich experience for Mark.  Another trip down memory lane was showing the kids Mark’s childhood home, that Jack and Mary recently sold after forty years.

Appreciating the chance for the cousins to play and bond.  Ben was smitten with Abby and loved the attention from Matt, every time we left them it was a series of questions on when he would get to be with them again.  Whether it was the Columbus Zoo, an impromptu game of duck, duck, goose, jamming on Matt's guitar or playing in a retro phone booth, the giddy joy of the kids was obvious to all.  Clara was often in awe of “Baby Mara” and when Leah told her that it was her special job to watch over and protect her little cousin, Clara’s reply was, “Got it, Mommy.”

The weekend concluded with a final anniversary celebration at a Scottish pub (in true Watson fashion).  The long table was filled with three generations of Watson love, faith and family (and some fine Scottish cider, fried pickles, shepherd’s pie and Scotch eggs).  The love and laughter of that table was a true testament to fifty years of marriage and all that the union Jack and Mary began long ago created. 

Saturday night, the four of us ended up cuddled in the dark on the big bed in our room, a tangle of freshly washed heads, blankies and baby dolls, warm arms and legs overlapping, tired, happy and said prayers.  It was a free form list of the things we are thankful for, really it was a list of all the people we were thankful for, the special people that surrounded us this weekend.  It was a reminder of the bond and blessing of family, the connection that is shared across the miles, the love, acceptance and memories woven together in good times and bad.  It was an echo of the hymn we sang at our wedding, at Mark's installation services, the kid's baptisms and the church service on Sunday, "Lord of all, to thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise."

We also experienced the challenges of traveling and a full schedule of celebration with a two and three year old.  Overall, the kids were excellent travelers and had a blast.  The meltdowns were few and far between, the fun and adventure far outweighed the stress and mountain of laundry upon our return.  Ben is a true family man and loved the feeling of community and connection.  Clara was pretty overwhelmed by all the new people and places, her constant refrain was something along the lines of,  “I want to be at home,” or, “I want Daddy.”   A true toddler, minutes upon returning home it switched to, “I like vacation,” and, “I want Mommy.”

It was a truly wonderful, very Watson weekend. 

June 21, 2010

Daddy Day

There are many things we love and appreciate about Mark, but in the end it comes down to simply this — he loves us completely, with his whole heart, unconditionally and unceasing.   Mark blesses our family with his patience, humor, sacrifice, silliness and quiet strength that always makes us feel safe, at home, cherished and loved.  Our prayer is that we can give that all back to you and more.  Thank you for being our man.  

Miss Clara says it best, "I love you. I love you. Daddy. Daddy."  

June 16, 2010

Grace's Birthday

On Monday, June 14th, we remembered and celebrated Grace Guiry Watson, on her second birthday.  It was a day of jagged emotions, sadness that will always linger and  moments of tender sweetness.  Ben and Clara, in the magical way children can so easily grasp the merging of the spiritual and physical dimensions, reached out in love to their beautiful cousin, who they never got to meet here on earth and who forever in our hearts will be “Baby Grace.”  

We released balloons heavenward. The kids took great care in picking three special balloons, one for Grace, for Guiry and for Watson.  Clara Elizabeth Grace watched in wonder as the balloons floated up, up, up.  Tearful prayers were said and that evening we made homemade ice cream, sang to Grace, Ben and Clara each blowing out a candle and making a wish.  Ben’s wish, “I wish we could all be together as a family.” 

As we prepare with great anticipation and excitement for our trip to Ohio next week for a Watson family reunion, to celebrate Mom and Dad Watson’s 50th wedding anniversary and to meet our gorgeous, brilliant niece Mara Karinn, we understand the fullness of Ben’s wish…for the rest of our days here on earth, we will wish and wait for the timeless moment in heaven, where we will all be together, as a family, forever. 

Happy Birthday with love Gracie.  

June 9, 2010

Little Toes

Clara finally let Leah paint her toes, after months of saying no.  The trick it turned out, was Clara was waiting for orange nail polish.  The girl loves, adores and covets all things orange and for some reason, Mark and Leah really love this quirky departure from the girly pink and purple that seems to be marketed to girls from the womb.  So, Clara has been proudly sporting her little oranges tootsies and Leah is again filled with joy anew that this precious girl belongs to her and all the fun, pedicure dates and squabbles over toe nail colors (and everything else!) that is to come.  

June 2, 2010

Summertime Starts

Fun all around.