July 7, 2012

State of the Union

Well, it’s been a year since our world was turned upside down (or at least east to west) and we left North Carolina. In that time we fell apart, we held it together (in a rather makeshift, twine and scotch-tape sort of way), we walked on the beach, we cried in the pew, we simplified, we searched…and come hell or high tide, we stuck together.

So, where are we now? In May we moved into a charming cottage (our word for quirky) in Santa Barbara. We are tentatively taking those first steps towards making a new little life for this Casa Watson.

This season has been one of many struggles and question marks. It also comes with promises of change and transformation beyond any we could have imagined a humidity drenched July ago. Our prayer and hope is that our wounds will be transformed into compassion, hope and love. We’re on our way, we aren’t quite sure how it’s all going to come together or what it’s going to look like, but as we like to say, “We’ve got each other and plenty of snacks.” 

The Rundown:


Mark is taking courses to become a professional fiduciary. His hope is to long-term move into elder care working as a conservator of person for the elderly— managing their life and care, working with their families as they face tough transitions. Currently along with his course work, Mark is working part-time as a hospice chaplain (which he loves) and filling-in with other jobs to make it work. We haven’t closed the door on ministry, but given the current struggles of the Presbyterian Church we are pursuing all options and letting God guide.

The past year he’s become Super Dad. He now knows how to do laundry, make lunches and is the play date master...he’s not quite there on brushing Clara’s hair, that one’s a work in progress. The stress of the year took a toll on his weight (again!) and he has to eat a huge bowl of ice cream topped with peanut butter and chocolate sauce every night whether he likes it or not. Mark still gets teary every time he takes communion, but loves the chance to sit together as a family at church.


This was the year of learning how to let go and truly take it one day at a time— call it perfectionist boot camp. A week after arriving in Santa Barbara Leah started working for Eat Drink Garden, a lifestyle company started by her dear and talented friend Valerie. The company is growing; she is now Project Manager and appreciates the chance to be creative, busy and experience a start-up business first hand. Having to leave her days as a stay at home mom behind has been rough, but she is thankful to have a job she enjoys and the perks of great food and wine aren’t so shabby.

Leah is feeling like herself having a home once again—a place to putter, clean, bake and fill with memories. She loves being in Santa Barbara, for the obvious reasons, but also for the way it makes her feel connected to so many people she cares about. There’s a memory around every corner and we’re making new ones all the time.


Oh, sweet Ben! Ben is always up for an adventure and he slid right into the California groove here. He instantly made friends at preschool and we’re thankful our cottage is in an excellent school district for the coming years. Ben will get to be with most of his buddies when kindergarten starts in the fall.

He still gets homesick for North Carolina, especially for William. Anytime he’s experiencing something special— be it a huge wave crashing at his feet, fireworks over the ocean or simply looking at the moon, he misses his best bud William, wishing he could be there beside him. However, he is moving more and more into life as a SB Boy. A couple months back, he looked out the car window and exclaimed, “Why would anyone want to live anywhere else?” 


Where Ben is our sentimental sweetheart, Clara is the tender realist. She had the hardest transition at the start of the move, but once she opened her heart to life on the west coast she hasn’t looked back. She continues to be a charming mix of tomboy and cutie pie. Her preschool crew this year was Clara and four adoring boys who treated her simultaneously as one of them and their princess—she’s a smart one.

This year has strengthened the bond between Ben and Clara in remarkable ways. They’re like a little old married couple together—equal parts love, exasperation and companionship. Clara’s favorite activity is “working” at the beach with buckets, shovels, sand and a mission. After the first kitchen dance party with mommy in the new cottage she’s felt completely at home.

The Collective Watsons:

It hasn’t been an easy journey, but we can say that our love for each other is deeper, stronger and kinder. We’re ready to move out of a season so inwardly focused and start giving love to others, whatever that may look like. Leah told Clara today, "You're lucky kids." She answered back, "You're lucky big people. You get us." Truer words just couldn't be spoken. Thanks for sticking with us, all of us. 


July 1, 2012

Knock, Knock

We love living in Santa Barbara, because even though a vacation is not in the cards for us this summer, we get the fun of having lots of visitors coming to us! (Note: Mark is working weekends right now and isn't around much for the fun, hence, his absence from the photos and the sad face on our hearts). 

We spent a weekend catching-up with Jenise and dog sitting her puppy, Max. It had been years since we had spent time together and yet the minute she walked in the door it was instantaneous comfort, conversation and catching-up. Jenise travels the world for her job and it was such fun to hear her tales from all over the globe. A weekend wasn’t enough- we're ready for more.

Then we had another weekend with Doug and Ashlee, who pretty much top the list of Ben and Clara’s favorite people. And who can blame them? A highlight of our weekend was running into Jack Johnson make his way to the surf as we took a morning walk. Doug and Ash are huge fans so they were giddy with excitement, Ben and Clara thought it was neat to meet the “Curious George” guy and he has two surfboards. 

The Star Wars Lego Masters:

They asked for a dog, we gave them two fish. Life is about balancing expectations, right? We welcomed Ninja and Goldie as semi-permanent (remember those expectations?) house guests.

To top off the month of visitors, Pop Pop (Leah’s Dad) just came for a visit. We were able to celebrate his birthday, enjoy the gorgeous weather (gorgeous even by SB standards), and eat our way through town. Ben and Clara loved getting spoiled, learning more about the fine art of baseball, the supremacy of the SF Giants and just giving Pop Pop tons of cuddles.

See you soon!

The Graduate

Ben is now an official preschool graduate. And while we loved celebrating our little guy, we have to admit the pomp and circumstance surrounding the completion of his year as a Blue Bear made us chuckle more than anything else. All of his teachers wrote in his journal from the year and the overwhelming sentiment was that Ben is one fun, enthusiastic and sweet boy. We are so, so thankful for All Saints By the Sea— it was instantly a place of stability, joy and love in a time of such transition. Now that thought brings on the tears…

End of the year picnic:

The big day:

Gigi, Ben’s best girl:

Little Sis:

Graduation day ended with a double-celebration of Ben’s journey to kindergarten and Fuzzy’s (David to the rest of you) birthday. A toast to the boys!


First family mini-golf outing:

Park fun:

Zoo afternoon with the fabulous Higgins:

Serious Ninja:

Taking to the rails and trails: