March 28, 2009

Cuties and Cupcakes

Leah celebrated her birthday this week with her favorite people: Dr.(!)Mark Andrew, Benjamin Mark and Clara Elizabeth Grace. Leah's best presents were hearing Ben sing Happy Birthday with gusto, Clara learning how to "come give Mommy a kiss" and Mark letting her sleep late in the morning and taking her out that night. Oh, and cupcakes, always have to have the cupcakes.

March 9, 2009

Eleven Months

The countdown to one is closing in fast. Clara's little personality is emerging more and more. She is easygoing, happy, loves to eat, dance and clap, is curious, cuddly and charmingly cute. Her newest talents include waving and saying "hi" and "bye." She also loves Mr. Edwards and gleeful exclaims, "kitty cat" whenever she seems him. We love and adore our baby girl. Each morning begins and each day ends with an overwhelming, thank you.


The past few days have been beautiful. Clear skies, warm temperatures and fresh air. Yesterday we were walking into church and Ben took a deep breath and sighed, "It just smells good." We have been enjoying simple pleasures like an afternoon at the park, ice cream at BK, a morning out in the country and just playing together as a family.

March 3, 2009

Snow Day

We had a gorgeous snowfall Sunday night. Leah couldn't help herself, late that night she went in and woke Ben up from his slumber and carried him outside to watch the swirling bounty of snowflakes against the dark sky. He may not remember that moment, but Leah always will.

Monday morning was filled with child-like excitement and fun all around. After pancakes and Peet's coffee (a special treat brought back from California), we headed outside to play. It was wonderful to be out in the fresh air after two days of non-stop rain and yuckiness. A few weeks back, Ben had checked out a book from the library about a snowball fight (written by Jimmy Fallon, is everyone a children's author these days?), so he was thrilled to throw his own snowballs. Clara loved the sunlight sparkling on the icy trees and watching her big brother run around. It was a good day.

Stir Crazy!!

We have been housebound much of the past week due to storms/sleet/snow. Leah has been home alone with the kids most of this time due to Mark's session retreat/Sunday services/job. What's a stranded mom to do?

We became very creative in our playtime- we had a "snowball" fight with cotton balls (big hit), underneath the dining room table became a train car (headed to California, of course), Ben tried on his spring/summer clothes stash (as the temperature dropped outside, he looked more and more like a Florida retiree), watched more than the usual daily allotment of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Wiggles (kids brain cells are fresh and new, they can handle it) and dreamed up any activity that allowed Ben to run, make a basket, or jump to burn off boy energy.

Ben and Clara shared their first true moment of mutual mischief. They got into the armoire in their bedroom and proceeded to tear apart and scatter the contents of the bottom shelf in a big pile. They were true cohorts working together. The mess was worth that moment of brother/sister bonding and the gleam in their eyes when Leah discovered just why the house had gotten so quiet.

Please note: Leah is ready for spring.

40 Hours

"40 hours."

This is Ben's favorite unit of measure these days. We have no idea where this idea got lodged in his mind, especially since Mark's job is not a forty hour, nine to five job.

It is amusing to hear it pop up in multiple settings.

Going in to get him after a restless nap time:
"Did you have a good nap?"
"Oh, yeah. Sleep 40 hours."

Taking Clara's temperature when she was sick:
"Mommy, it says she's 40 hours."

Stepping on the scale:
"I weigh 40 hours!"

Getting ready for church:
"Want to go to church 40 hours."

Love him.