April 9, 2008

Miss Clara Elizabeth

Clara Elizabeth Watson arrived on April 1st at 11:23 pm and our hearts overflowed with joy. At her grand entrance Clara weighed in at 6 lb. 13 oz. (not bad for being a month early!) and was 21 inches long.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Leah was convinced most of the pregnancy that another boy was on the way and is still giddy with the realization that she has a girl. Mark is so smitten with his little lady that one look at her brings tears to his eyes. Ben goes back and forth between excitement and showing everyone the baby to ignoring her in hopes she may just go away.

We are happy. We are tired. We are a family.


Carolyn said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!! What a wonderful little family you have. Enjoy every minute and keep us updated on the next steps. You are in many, many thoughts and prayers!

micah and betsy said...

oh leah!!! she is so cute! you can tell she's related to ben already! congratulations!!! enjoy your new treasure!
much love,

Rich & Sharon Regert said...

Wow!! She is beautiful just like her mom. We are so happy for you.Congratulations!!! Thank you for keeping us posted. All our love. Love Uncle Rich & Sharon

Anonymous said...

Little Clara is a DOLL!!! She and Ben look a bit alike. You can already tell she is going to have amazing blue eyes like the rest of the family. Precious,precious!!!!!