Leah's grandfather, always known to the kids as "Maka Charlie," passed away late Sunday evening. Maka held a very special place in Leah's heart...from the early days of dancing on his feet, to camping adventures and explorations, to helping fix her first car, to bouncing his great-grandson on his knee, Maka always made his granddaughter feel special and loved.
He was a gruff and quiet, but had such a tender heart for those he held dear, especially the love of his life, Bernice Elizabeth, Leah's grandmother. Perhaps, now they are together again, out on the road they loved, having new adventures.
Maka always ended a visit with a kiss on the cheek and a whisper to Leah to "Be a good girl now." Leah will continue to try to be a good girl, just for him. Goodbye Maka Charlie, we love you.
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