April 25, 2010

Tartan Up

This morning FPC celebrated a Kirkin' of the Tartans service, a long time church tradition celebrating the Scottish heritage of the Presbyterian Church.  Mark has been waiting for this service, this year, because it is the golden moment when Mark’s kilt from his childhood days living in Scotland would fit Ben.  However, three year olds don’t always cooperate with your sentimental plans. Mark knew he would have to wait until five minutes before the service started this morning to see if Ben would wear the kilt.

We started our pitch on Friday; we told Ben he could be the Bible Beadle, the boy who brings the large book of scripture down the aisle at the start of the service – but only if he was wearing the kilt.  The promise of an audience definitely perked Ben’s interest, but he wasn’t sold on wearing the kilt.  Leah told him no kilt, no Beadle. 

Suddenly, his face lit up, “Oh, if I am the Beadle I have to wear a kilt like the guys who sang Yellow Submarine wore, right Mommy?”  Since Leah was sure that sometime in their career the Beatles must have donned kilts, she answered, “Exactly.”  Wanting to be cool like his beloved Beatles, Ben the Beadle was born.

He was a little rock star this morning.  Ben waited for his cue and then followed behind the bagpiper, laying the sizeable Bible on the altar then running back down the aisle to Leah’s arms.  Mark was beaming with pride, joy and relief…really, how many times do your sweet visions of children, involving costumes they did not select on their own, come true?

Families were blessed, Mark stood tall in his Watson tartan, bagpipes were played, Amazing Grace rang through the sanctuary and Ben was back in his cargo pants by the time Leah picked him up from kid’s church.   If anyone runs across a picture of John, Paul, George or Ringo in a kilt, please send it our way!

Oh, and here's a little photo of Clara looking cute.  

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