February 9, 2011


Coming back from our indulgent adventure in San Francisco we were given payback, karma, retribution, whatever you want to call it in the form of winter sickness.  Clara came down with a respiratory illness that made her miserable for days on end.  She had a wicked, burning cough that just shook her little body and left her whimpering in the middle of the night, "Mommy, more medicine."  Our little chow hound refused to eat and her fever would only stay at bay with round the clock Motrin/Tylenol monitoring.  

Leah's immune system took a big hit during her radioactive escapades and soon she was sick (again...it is constant during the winter months, especially with two cuddly bundles of germs) and that turned into a major sinus infection. Next up was Ben, more sleepless nights and another round of doctor visits. Mark's strong Scottish genes kept him healthy, but sleep deprived.  

A perk of small town Southern life is our neighborhood pharmacy, Bowman's Drugs.  It comes complete with an old school soda fountain, pharmacists that know our kids by name and always treat them to a free slushy to slurp at the counter while we wait for prescriptions.   There have been spurts of sunshine that we have welcomed with open windows, outside playtime and standing in the golden light bathing our hardwood floors.  

We are slowly getting back into the groove of things, Clara is eating, Ben is sleeping, Leah is disinfecting and Mark is at the ready with another box of kleenex, a bowl of peppermint ice cream or  a middle of the night "re-booting" of the little people.  Clara brought Leah a tissue this morning and declared, "We are snot buddies!"  The calendar on the fridge, marked with meetings, appointments and celebrations, is a welcome reminder that each day is one day closer to Spring and each day is one more that we have had together as a (snotty) family.  

Clara's Crew: Baby Mara, Button and Jake.

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

I love how you honor your family's life adventure through your blog, even in the snotty, sicky days. I love how you find beauty and something to be thankful for during the hard to handle, drizzle days of winter.