March 28, 2011

Fuzzy and Juju

This month we were lucky leprechauns to have David and Judy (or as they are known around here, Fuzzy and Juju) for their annual spring visit.  Judy introduced us to the tradition of leaving a shoe out on the eve of St. Patrick’s Day and the morning of the 17th we were delighted to find shoes filled with chocolate (well, Leah was sort-of delighted, the idea of food in shoes kind of grossed her out, even if they were wrapped) courtesy of a rainbow seeking leprechaun.

It was a week filled with treats— an ice cream date for the kids, some pre-birthday celebrating for the Watson girls, Just Dance competitions, shopping excursions, rock throwing adventures, bedtime stories with shiny new books, laughter filled conversation, IPad demonstrations (aka- Apple Addiction Syndrome...but an addiction that looks so enticing), storybook yoga for kids (and semi-kids), with plenty of food, wine and a fresh stash of Peet’s coffee.  The most beloved treat was just having them here and already planning out the next time we can be together—in Santa Barbara.  Lucky us.

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