May 9, 2011

It just comes down to this— I love these people with all my heart.  A day like Mother’s Day is really a day for me to say thank you (and take a long afternoon nap under my favorite cashmere blanket-bliss!).  I am thankful for the privilege, joy, hard work and wonder of getting to be a family, of getting to be a mom and a wife. Through these roles I discover a better version of myself, a bigger version of myself, that has little to do with me and much to do with Ben, Clara and Mark. Their unconditional love, abundant cuddles and never ending conversation has transformed my world.  I will sing it out again (in my head, because you know how bad my singing voice is), “Lord of all, to thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise.”

No matter what else is happening around us, there is always this truth to hold onto—I’m a happy mama.  

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