July 1, 2012

Knock, Knock

We love living in Santa Barbara, because even though a vacation is not in the cards for us this summer, we get the fun of having lots of visitors coming to us! (Note: Mark is working weekends right now and isn't around much for the fun, hence, his absence from the photos and the sad face on our hearts). 

We spent a weekend catching-up with Jenise and dog sitting her puppy, Max. It had been years since we had spent time together and yet the minute she walked in the door it was instantaneous comfort, conversation and catching-up. Jenise travels the world for her job and it was such fun to hear her tales from all over the globe. A weekend wasn’t enough- we're ready for more.

Then we had another weekend with Doug and Ashlee, who pretty much top the list of Ben and Clara’s favorite people. And who can blame them? A highlight of our weekend was running into Jack Johnson make his way to the surf as we took a morning walk. Doug and Ash are huge fans so they were giddy with excitement, Ben and Clara thought it was neat to meet the “Curious George” guy and he has two surfboards. 

The Star Wars Lego Masters:

They asked for a dog, we gave them two fish. Life is about balancing expectations, right? We welcomed Ninja and Goldie as semi-permanent (remember those expectations?) house guests.

To top off the month of visitors, Pop Pop (Leah’s Dad) just came for a visit. We were able to celebrate his birthday, enjoy the gorgeous weather (gorgeous even by SB standards), and eat our way through town. Ben and Clara loved getting spoiled, learning more about the fine art of baseball, the supremacy of the SF Giants and just giving Pop Pop tons of cuddles.

See you soon!

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

Hopefully next summer will be our turn to visit!