December 15, 2014

Merry, Merry 2014

High, low, what do you know? Our nightly dinner table question does a pretty good job of covering the bases of each day. Let’s see how it works for covering the important moments of the past year in Watson Land.


Any travel adventures are highlights for sure  — our week in Kauai soaking in the island magic, San Francisco with Leah’s dad and the Giants, a Newport Beach escape sans kids for our anniversary, camping with Westmont friends…and when you live in Santa Barbara you can make any day feel like a vacation with a hike up the hills, a walk on the beach or grabbing lunch at the harbor. The constant was that our favorite memories centered on time spent together.

Mark had a big year professionally with movement and momentum after the work of laying a new foundation these past couple of years. He recently accepted a position as Chaplain at Valle Verde, a large-scale retirement community in Santa Barbara. It brings together Mark’s love of ministry with his heart for the elder community — along with a flexible schedule and full medical benefits (woohoo on that front).

Watson Fiduciary is also off and running with Mark’s first round of clients. Double duty often translates to long hours, but we’ve never seen Mark more fulfilled professionally. It is wonderful to watch him shine; one of the families of a fiduciary client called him, “our hero.” We agree.

It was also a year of transition for me professionally. I started the year assisting in the launch of Watson Fiduciary building Mark’s website and marketing materials. This led to a handful of consulting jobs doing the same for other small businesses.

I reconnected with one of my former bosses from way back when (my last name was Smith and my hair rather fluffy) who was starting a new academic publishing company. Timing and fate came together as I became the Director of Marketing for Mission Bell Media. It’s a great fit. I continue to do some editing for Eat Drink Garden on the side. It’s a huge gift to have meaningful, flexible part-time work that allows me to grow professionally and still pick-up the kids from school most days.

With all this movement in the household matched with living smack in the middle of Montecito (which we love but can feel a little nutty at times) we’ve realized the need to be vigilant about taking timeouts for reflection and prayer. As the heart of our home, I especially need to be listening, open and centered. With Mark’s encouragement I’ve been able to take some solo retreat time, which has benefitted all of Casa Watson.

As for Ben and Clara there is the customary list of accomplishments and interests, but upon reflecting on this year what comes to mind is how they’ve grown in maturity and love. Together, these kids make for a powerhouse duo of compassion, humor, thoughtfulness and fun. From the start, our chief parenting goal was pretty selfish — raise kids we want to spend time with and at least for this season, we’re scoring a win.

Now in second grade, Ben continues to be our thoughtful, inquisitive guy with a love for fantasy, adventure and chatting. He’s either reading Percy Jackson books or outside having “battles” with his sister, sword in hand ready to fight for truth and justice.

Clara welcomed first grade and the chance to “not be in the baby class anymore.” However, at home she will forever be our baby girl full of humor, cuddles and creation. She is always crafting something — from sweet cards, to wearable jetpacks, to cookies in the kitchen with mom — with a trail of markers, tape and imagination.


By far, our low was the swift and devastating loss of Mark’s oldest brother Paul to aggressive cancer. We’re thankful that Mark was able to go to him and have the chance to say goodbye. We then all traveled to Ohio later in the summer for a bittersweet Watson family reunion. Any and every other low seems trivial in comparison. 

What do we know now that we didn’t a year ago?

Mark can build a tree house with his own two hands.
Ben is a faster reader than even his speed-reading mama.
Perfect “life balance” is an unattainable goal, but making considerate choices daily leads to more intentional joy and fulfillment.
Clara has mastered the craft of writing love letters —“Everything that is love is you.”
The liturgy, beauty and compassion of the Episcopal Church feels like home.
Ben can name every Greek god and tell you all about them.
The kids are officially diehard Giants fans. A World Series win when you live deep in Dodgers territory is a thing of beauty.
We can pitch a tent and build a fire without arguing.
Clara can rock the electric guitar and sing show tunes with gusto.
The fifteen-year marriage mark feels like a true accomplishment —deeper roots and stronger branches offer good protection in those storms.
It’s a fun season as a family when everyone can read and ride bikes (just not at the same time).
Straight paths are overrated.

With hearts full of love and gratitude we send you wishes for a joyous holiday season. As Ben likes to say, “I’m thankful for the whole universe,” – thanks for letting us be in your orbit. We are better because of the light and love you shine into our lives.

With love,
Mark, Leah, Ben and Clara

Thanks again to Evan Janke for these beautiful pictures. We love you!


Kaitlin said...

Beautiful wrap-up of 2014. Love you all so very much!!

harada57 said...
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