April 28, 2013

Watson & Watson

At the end of February we had some very special visitors. Phil, Kaitlin, Mara and Vivian came to Santa Barbara for over a week from Washington. It was such a treat to share our favorites spots with them. It was the first time Kaitlin and the girls had been to Santa Barbara and they were big fans, fast. Clara took her role of “big cousin” very seriously and thankfully, Mara was patient with all of Clara’s lessons! It was special to watch the cousins together, there is something very “Watson” about all of them that is wild to witness in the flesh. Our little cottage was very full of toys, chatter, blue eyes, stickiness and snacks…the minute they left for the airport the house was like a balloon deflated of total cuteness. Just picture little Viv eating strawberries by the dozen, Mara, Clara and Ben giggling in the top bunk or all three girls in a bubble bath together...total cuteness, right?

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